Gijs Aalbers, Furniture Designer
How would you describe your art in three words?
Joinery, different, functional.

Designer Gijs Aalbers creates complex pieces of furniture which showcase the flexibility of wood as a material. The 19 year old artist from the Netherlands began honing his craft four years ago upon entering Cibap Vocational College for Design. His work features clean lines and simple shapes, though he often plays with natural textures and vibrant pops of color. Gijs draws inspiration from every aspect of his life, meaning he carries his art with him everywhere and engages with it every day. As a result, his designs are unique and innovative, featuring a signature smooth finish. In the future he hopes to design for brands, though his primary aim is to craft furniture that will be cherished within a home.
Where/how do you gather inspiration?
I gather inspiration from everything around me. I look at the lines in the street the buildings and everyday objects, I connect the lines and fit them together like a puzzle make shapes with them. I just take in as much as possible all the time. To be honest that’s sometimes difficult cause I can’t stop thinking and designing in my head. And then sometimes out of nowhere I get an idea and ill get to modeling in my head sketching ideas throwing them away starting again. Just in case my head gets too full I always carry something to make sketches on sometimes my phone sometimes a sketchbook. Another place where I gather inspiration from fellow designers on Instagram and on Pinterest.
What do you hope audiences retain from your work?
I hope my audiences retain the many possibilities that wood can have and especially plywood. It’s such a simple material but together with a CNC [computer numerical control] machine you can create the most beautiful shapes and joinery.

Instagram: @craliusdesigns